Monday, December 6, 2010

Dee Economy

I's been watching cars pass by out the window for quite some times now.  Somes of those cars I uzed to sees on a daily basis, others every once in a great whiles.  I's been seeings a lot less of them latelys, and after sniffing arounds I thinks I find out why...  Its dee economys dood!

Not as many peoples working lately, means not as many cars, which is fines for me cauze I prefers boids and squirrels in any case.  But not as many cars also means less pet um's.  And thats where I take a stands!

You see for yous two legged creatures, moneys is income, but for a dogz like myself my income is pet um's.  Lately I am in a bits of a recessions as it seemz my weeklyz pet um's has been reduced by around 10 percents, leaving me wandering the neighborhoods for an ear scratch.  I'm usings all the same techniques that used to get mes a belly rub before, including the shifty eyebrows, exposing my soft underbelly, treating Eeyore like a friend and villain,(sorry dood-got carried away, probably need some new stuffins for yas) and even resorting to the injured paw with hurt face, (witch did work, but I dont wants your pitys dood.)  Stills there seemz to be a pet ums shortage.

I continues to attempts to try new wayz to get pet ums, and will even resorts to a token pat on the heads if I haves to, but...

sometimez I wishes I waz still a puppy.


  1. Hi Stella!

    A recession of petting income is a bad thing! I hope your human bean gets the idea and starts giving you more petting.

  2. Thanks Dood!

    I ppreciates your concerns! Truths is a dog likes myselfz can never gets enough pet umz. Some sayz I'm spoiledz with belly rubz and ear scratchez, but I begz to differ! Fo hourz a day iz ideal.
